

Foto forum welcomes submissions from photographers, visual artists and other personalities working with photography following the guidelines below. We are currently accepting submissions in the following categories:
  • Exhibitions (deadline 11th October 2025, midnight 00:00 am)
  • Workshops
  • Talks/conferences
We accept only electronic submissions by email. We appreciate non-expiring file transfers with sharabke link that allows us to directly see hi-res images
If using Dropbox, please use ’share a link‘ rather than inviting us to join the folder.

For exhibitions your submission should include:

  • 8-20 images of the project (JPG)
  • Video links, if the project contains moving image work
  • Abstract of the project (PDF)
  • CV (PDF)
  • Installation proposal for our spaces (PDF)
  • List of existing works, material, measures etc (PDF)proposal for our spaces (PDF)
For workshops, talks and conferences your submission should include:
  • Abstract of the workshop, talk and conference (PDF)
  • Images (JPG), video links
  • CV (PDF)
  • Target group, price, schedule (PDF)
