Book: Hundert Jahre – Hundert Bilder. foto-forum 1999-2000

Cento anni – cento fotografie. foto-forum 1999-2000
Photographs (1903-1999) of several anonymous authors, Franz Bertolini, Franz Peter, Albuin J. Mariner, Leo Bährendt, Lorenz Fränzl, Bährendt/Landtmann, Rudolf Largajolli, Jakob Delfauro, Albert Ellmenreich, Much Heiß, Theodor Forstner, Adalbert Defner, Leopold v. Glasersfeld, H. Weithals-P. P. Atzwanger, Luis Trenker, Walter Riml, Paul Wolff, Lothar Rübelt, Wolfram Knoll, Ridenti, Hugo Atzwanger, Karl Felderer, Irma Oberkofler, Giulio Galimberti, Enrico Pedrotti, Johann Walsa, Trainotti, Luis Oberrauch, Sandro Saltuari, Ernst Mariner, Hermann Frass, Oswald Kofler, Jack Alberti, Heinz v. Perckhammer, Karl Plattner, Becker, Wolfgang Pflaundler, Josef Delfauro, Flavio Faganello, Amplatz-Biadene-Waibl, Luigi Ghirri, Jakob Tappeiner, Walter Niedermayr, Andreas Zipperle, Gunther Waibl, Erwin Lantschner, Reinhard Frena, Othmar Seehauser, Paolo Biadene, Martin Pardatscher, Fritz Pichler, Gabriele Basilico, Olivo Barbieri, Guido Guidi, Aglaia Konrad, Arno Pertl, Erika Gamper, Leonhard Angerer, Brigitte Niedermair
Curated by: Foto Forum
Bolzano/Bozen, 1999
16 cm x 10,5 cm
Postcards with screw binding
Languages: Italian, German
Texts: Gunther Waibl, Arno Gisinger
107 cards, 100 cards with black and white and color photographs

Cento anni – cento fotografie. foto-forum 1999-2000

Cento anni – cento fotografie. foto-forum 1999-2000

Cento anni – cento fotografie. foto-forum 1999-2000

Cento anni – cento fotografie. foto-forum 1999-2000