Event: Guided tours Whore or Saint — On Being a Woman in Italy
1.6.21: Erik Kessels (English)
10.6.21: Rachele Sordi (Italiano)
16.6.21: Armin Bernhard (Tedesco)
22.6.21: Martha Verdorfer (Tedesco)
24.6.21: Tessa Moroder (Italiano)
1.6.21: Erik Kessels (English)
10.6.21: Rachele Sordi (Italiano)
16.6.21: Armin Bernhard (Tedesco)
22.6.21: Martha Verdorfer (Tedesco)
24.6.21: Tessa Moroder (Italiano)
14.10.2020, 8pm Filmclub In collaboration with: Female Views
foto forum continues its activity through events that stimulate direct contact with the photographic image utilizing a critical analysis of the photography medium. This time we will start with children, using the photographic book, with the help of Giulia Mirandola, an expert in the field who will guide adults and children in reading images.
ANALOGICA is an event that has been created to stimulate and support the diffusion and knowledge of analog technologies in both artistic and creative fields. It particularly involves experimental research projects on cinema, photography, and sound production.
ANALOGICA encourages constructive dialogue between local and international artists, and helps develop a network of international relations and collaborations.
On the afternoon of 11.10.2019 the artist Christian Martinelli opens the photo studio “the cube” for all those who want to take an original black and white photo with them. Thanks to a special photo developer we can develop your portrait immediately in the darkroom on photo paper in positive. To secure a place for you, send us an e-mail: info@foto-forum.it
Talk: 10.5.2019, 18:00 Free University of Bolzano, Piazza Università 1, Bolzano/Bozen, Italy, room C003 Over a period of 20 years Erik Kessels has made many books and exhibitions out of his passion for vernacular and amateur photography. In this lecture…
workshop: 16.3.2019, 4 – 7 pm Exhibition and experiential laboratory 16 March 2019 16:00 – 19:00 Edited by Claudio Correale and Francesco Cerqua Exhibition, history and show with magic lanterns of the mid-nineteenth century Let’s take a trip to pre-photographic…
The call invited photographers, film lovers and enthusiasts of the emulsion to expose a 36 roll film, with maximum freedom of subject and technique, and send it to 36EXP undeveloped. Virtually a jump in the dark. Forty-one people responded, sending 41 rolls from different parts of the world. Many from Italy, but also France, Belgium, Holland and Sweden to Canada and the United States.
23.6.2018, 11 am – 5 pm flea market of photography, exhibition of photographic donations, photo set with pinhole, music, drink & food, outdoor terrace free entry
Talk: 16.5.2018 7 pm Under the patronage of the Consulate General of Japan in Milan Rinko Kawauchi will retrace the Japanese photo book based on his work. Born in 1972 in Shiga, Japan, after studying photography, she worked in an…
(it) Una vita incredibile quella di Lisetta, iniziata il 15 febbraio del 1924 in via Sturla 15 a Genova in una famiglia borghese di origini ebraiche. Si appassiona fin da piccola allo studio della musica, diventando una promettente concertista; in seguito, abbandona il pianoforte per dedicarsi a quella che diventerà l’altra grande passione di una vita: la fotografia.
(de) Wie entsteht das kollektive Gedächtnis, und wie haben das Attentat in Bologna und das sogenannte “Weihnachtsattentat” vom 23. Dezember 1984 die Geschichte unseres Landes beeinflusst? Darüber werden wir anlässlich der Eröffnung der Fotoausstellung “Ein Sommertag” im Sitz der Sozialgenossenschaft Akrat während eines Kulturbrunchs mit Martino Lombezzi (Fotograf), Cinzia Venturoli (Historikerin) Paolo Morando (Journalist) und Sonia Zanetti (Familienverband der Opfer des Attentats von Bologna) sprechen.
Film: 21.3.2018, 8:30 pm Filmclub: Via Dr. Streiter Str. 8d Bozano / Bolzano In collaboration with: Female Views A heartwarming and poignant road movie about the joint project of 88-year-old filmmaker Agnès Varda and 33-year-old photographer JR, who share a love…
06/17/17 Departure: 8 o’clock Return: 22 o’clock foto-forum organizes a trip that takes you to the festival “Fotografia Europea” in Reggio Emilia! www.fotografiaeuropea.it 30 € Reservations: info@foto-forum.it
Guided Tour: Valentina Cramerotti, Luca Pedrotti
Photographic Memory Tournament: Cecilia Verilli, Federico Carpani
Talk with Gigliola Foschi and Walter Niedermayr, moderation Sabine Gamper
In the media world, strong, “loud” pictures are often more popular—they impress with immediacy and a clear message. As an antithesis to these works, many contemporary artists are creating “quiet” pictures, produced with long exposure times, that achieve their impact by restricting their means or through the power of their visual ambiguity and mysteriousness
Talk & Portfolio Review: Giovanna Calvenzi und Giovanna Silva (Humboldt Books)